You can become a verified member
Give yourself more chance of exposure by confirming to the community that you are a real person. Verified Members are considered more thrustworthy and are sure to get more attention from members. The process is quick and simple. Submit a Photo of yourself (see the Rules). An administrator will review the Photo for authenticity and once satisfied, you will be made a Verified Member. Verified Member are distinguished with a Seal of Verification on their Profile page. This is a critical part of keeping SchnauzerLife a safe place. If you are deciding to want a puppy, or to re-home a dog, and you do searches, then ONLY USE profiles that have been verified as real by the Admins of SchnauzerLife.
Rules for Photo Submission
1. Sign up on our site to create a profile for yourself.
2. Upload a Photo showing your face clearly.
3. Get a piece of paper and marker ready.
4. Click on Verify Profile within your Account Page
5. Write your verification code given to you when you clicked on Verify Profile (DB2DC5) clearly on an object that will be showing on the Photo. This object could be a piece of paper being held in your hand.
6. Take a photo of you holding the paper with the assigned code on it clearly displayed.
7. Photo must not be manipulated in anyway, such as with PhotoShop etc. ONLY HAND WRITTEN CODE is acceptable, printed numbers/letters will be rejected