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The owners of K9 Training for Heroes, a Sarasota dog training business for veterans with PTSD, have been arrested after four dogs died in their custody.
12.26.2024 · From boss_schnauzer
Discover the mind-blowing ways your dog perceives the world. From detecting invisible dangers to sensing hidden emotions, their abilities will leave you amazed and curious to know more.
07.24.2024 · From boss_schnauzer
The American Kennel Club (AKC®), the world’s largest purebred dog registry and leading advocate for dogs, today announced the implementation of the AKC Personal Conduct Policy, effective immediately. The policy affirms it is a privilege to be part of the American Kennel Club
05.11.2024 · From boss_schnauzer
Let's talk about the word "socialization," what it should mean with your dog, and what society thinks it means.
04.22.2024 · From boss_schnauzer
For the first time ever, this category of pet toxins has been added to the official ASPCA Animal Poison Control Center's annual list of top toxins. And it's about time, as a recent survey shows this category has become the most frequent cause of poisoning, especially for dogs.
11.12.2023 · From boss_schnauzer
Exocrine pancreatic insufficiency (EPI) is the inability to produce sufficient pancreatic enzymes needed to digest fats, carbohydrates, and proteins. This difficulty in digestion leads to poor absorption of nutrients which commonly causes weight loss despite a normal or increased appetite.
10.09.2023 · From boss_schnauzer
Before leaving your dog alone with a dog sitter, make sure you are confident in the care your dog will receive by asking the right questions beforehand and leaving a detailed list of necessary information about your home and dog.
09.23.2023 · From boss_schnauzer
Want a new job? Love animals? Pet-sitting could be your next gig. But it comes with serious responsibility and liability. How do you become a pet sitter?
09.23.2023 · From boss_schnauzer
Puppy scammers make big bucks preying on your enthusiasm for that puppy you saw for sale online or your anguish over a lost dog. Do you know how to spot a scam?
09.23.2023 · From boss_schnauzer
There's a lot of misinformation out there about managing a dog's anal glands among groomers and even some veterinarians. Should your dog's anal glands be expressed regularly or could the practice actually be harmful? Are your dog's anal gland issues due to something you are (or aren't) doing?
08.23.2023 · From boss_schnauzer
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Being a veterinarian, I had been called to examine a ten-year-old Irish Wolfhound named Belker. I examined Belker and found he was dying of cancer. I told the family we couldn’t do anything for Belker, and offered to perform the euthanasia procedure in their home. As I prepared, the parents told me they thought it would be good for 6 yr old Shane to observe the procedure.
02.09.2019 · From SchnauzerAdmin
Serious digestive issues are more than just an upset stomach. Pancreatitis, for example, is a serious, painful, and potentially life-threatening condition. Unfortunately, Schnauzers are extremely prone to Pancreatitis. While the exact causes are still being researched, veterinarians know enough to give some sound recommendations.
07.14.2021 · From SchnauzerAdmin
Every once in a great while, to break up the seriousness of things that our articles cover, we go way out for some humor. This piece was posted on social media and it's source is unknown... but hilarious!
02.01.2022 · From SchnauzerAdmin
Our furry family members are very curious creatures and they may get into household products that are not suitable or safe for their consumption. Fabric softener is one of the products that may be accessible, and pet owners do not realize the dangers they are inadvertently exposing their dog to.
05.14.2023 · From SchnauzerAdmin
Exocrine pancreatic insufficiency (EPI) is the inability to produce sufficient pancreatic enzymes needed to digest fats, carbohydrates, and proteins. This difficulty in digestion leads to poor absorption of nutrients which commonly causes weight loss despite a normal or increased appetite.
10.09.2023 · From boss_schnauzer
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It’s not a topic anyone likes to discuss, but if you own a dog, chances are you have found yourself cleaning up a stinking brown puddle (or, politely put, doggie runs) more than you’d care to think about. Diarrhea is a common canine affliction and it varies in frequency, duration, and intensity from dog to dog.
11.11.2019 · From SchnauzerAdmin
Growing up, our parents would make some things sound so horrible and scary as a way to instill fear in us, just to prevent us from doing certain things. Well, when I was in veterinary school, our instructors instilled a warranted and significant fear of the pancreas. Don’t anger your dog’s pancreas because it isn’t forgiving!
07.27.2023 · From boss_schnauzer
Serious digestive issues are more than just an upset stomach. Pancreatitis, for example, is a serious, painful, and potentially life-threatening condition. Unfortunately, Schnauzers are extremely prone to Pancreatitis. While the exact causes are still being researched, veterinarians know enough to give some sound recommendations.
07.14.2021 · From SchnauzerAdmin
After a routine (or possibly not-so-routine) visit to your dog’s least favorite person: the veterinarian, you are discover that your Schnauzer has been diagnosed with bladder stones. You never knew canines could suffer from kidney stones, let alone bladder stones, and you are afraid.
06.10.2022 · From SchnauzerAdmin
Temperament: Friendly, Smart, Obedient AKC Breed Popularity: Ranks 17 of 193 Height: 12-14 inches Weight: 11-20 pounds Life Expectancy: 12-15 years Group: Terrier Group
01.10.2019 · From SchnauzerAdmin
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